Kanakuk Institute Podcast
The Kanakuk Institute is an eight-month post-graduate leadership development program providing Biblical and theological training to prepare men and women for a lifetime of ministry. This podcast includes short conversational Biblical teaching to continue to equip our alumni and friends in the truth of God’s Word.
161 episodes
Greece & Italy Trip Recap Part 1 - Greece
Keith, Karen, Chad, & Cat sit down to recap the 2025 Institute Trip to Greece & Italy. Part 1 shares memories and highlights from Delphi, Corinth, & Mars Hill.To learn more about future trips with the Kanakuk Institute,
Season 4
Episode 12

Footsteps of Paul with Mitch Maher
Keith & Mitch Maher walk through the journey of the apostle Paul and talk about how the Lord redeemed Paul's life and ministry.
Season 4
Episode 11

1 Timothy Overview
Grant Gaines walks through the book of 1 Timothy and encourages us with reminders of Truth from God's Word.
Season 4
Episode 10

Ecclesiastes with Pete Deison
Pete Deison shares what he learned while studying Eccelsiastes in seeing life from a heavenly perspective and gives a specific message to those who are struggling with feeling empty.
Season 4
Episode 9

Missional Living with Dr. David Daniels
Dr. David Daniels talks with Chad about God's heart for the nations and shares practical ways as the church body and individuals can live with a missional mindset.If you would like to learn more about Dr. David Daniels' books you can do ...
Season 4
Episode 8

Intentional Parenting
Keith and Chad discuss Psalm 127:1-5 and Proverbs 22:6 and how families can practically and intentionally raise up their kids on the foundation of Scripture."Unless the LORD builds the house, They labor in vain who build it; Unless t...
Season 4
Episode 7

Creating a Christ-Centered Marriage
Keith & Chad share practical tools on how to create a Christ-centered marriage in your home - from prioritizing your personal relationship with Jesus to making spiritual conversation an intentional part of your day.
Season 4
Episode 6

Pain and Perseverance with Jason & Kelsey Adam
Alumni Jason & Kelsey Adam share their story of pain and perseverance - how postpartum depression and multiple baseball related injuries affected their marriage, family, and faith and how they learned to love each other better through all t...
Season 4
Episode 5

Where is God in the Midst of Cancer?
Mitch Maher shares his cancer journey, the questions he wrestled with, and how the grace of God carried him through.
Season 4
Episode 4

The Win-Win Method
Keith, Karen, & Chad talk about the Win-Win method in conflict that can help each other and your marriage become the very best it can be.
Season 4
Episode 3

The Fear Dance
Have you ever had someone push your "fear button"? Keith, Chad, and Karen discuss the idea of the Fear Dance (created by Greg & Gary Smalley) - how to practically identify your fear button and how you can respond to better strengthen your m...
Season 4
Episode 2

The Speaker Listener Method
Keith, Karen, & Chad discuss a key communication tool that can be used in all types of relationships as well as practical ways to apply it in our day to day lives.
Season 4
Episode 1

Reflecting on the State of the Country with Tommy Nelson
Tommy Nelson joins Keith in the studio and shares his thoughts on the culture of America, the "echoes" he's noticing across the country, and the examples from Scripture that guide how the people of God should live today.
Season 3
Episode 53

The Lies We Believe About Marriage - Part 4
In Part 4 of our Marriage series, Keith, Chad, & Karen talk about one more lie that we can believe about marriage - that my past will have no impact on my marriage.- - - - -As the end of the year approaches, if you would like...
Season 3
Episode 52

The Lies We Believe About Marriage - Part 3
In Part 3 of our Marriage series, Keith, Chad, & Karen talk about two more lies that we can believe about marriage:1. Good marriages don't have conflict.2. If things aren't easy then maybe I married the wrong person.
Season 3
Episode 51

The Lies We Believe About Marriage - Part 2
Keith, Chad, & Karen continue our marriage series as they talk about three more lies that we can believe about marriage:1. My spouse will meet my needs and help me feel less insecure2. The problems we had when dating or engag...
Season 3
Episode 50

The Lies We Believe About Marriage - Part 1
Continuing our Marriage Series, Keith, Karen, & Chad talk about a few of the lies we can believe about marriage.- - - - -As the end of the year approaches, if you would like to give towards the Kanakuk Institute's mission of ...
Season 3
Episode 49

Tommy Nelson - Marriage
Tommy Nelson joins Keith in the studio to encourage us in how to have a successful marriage. - - - - -As the end of the year approaches, if you would like to give towards the Kanakuk Institute's mission of equipping men & wo...
Season 3
Episode 48

Betsy Bolick
Alumni Betsy Bolick joins Keith in the studio to share her story of how the Lord used sacral agenesis to draw Betsy closer to Him and continues to use her story to reveal Himself to others.
Season 3
Episode 47

Nurturing Your Marriage
Keith, Chad, & Karen share practical ways to nurture and grow your marriage.
Season 3
Episode 46

Marriage in the World Today
Keith, Karen, & Chad talk about the current state of marriage in the world and its impact on culture. They share statistics as well as practical ways to invest in your marriage today.
Season 3
Episode 45

Apologetics with Kerby Anderson
Keith sits down with Kerby Anderson to share apologetical tools believers can use when talking with friends and family about other religions.To learn more about Kerby Anderson, Probe Ministries, or access the resources he talked about in...
Season 3
Episode 44

Developing Leaders - Scott Wozniak
Keith sits down with Scott Wozniak to learn his story and how Scott discovered his calling to develop leaders in the workplace for the Kingdom of God.To learn more about Scott's story and the resources mentioned on the podcast, you can v...
Season 3
Episode 43